Monday, 28 November 2011
Moving Day(s)!!
There wasn't one single day that was designated as moving day. Peter just kept loading up the trailer and the cars every chance he got over the last few days and then enlisting the help of one or more of the boys to help him unload it all at the other end. It was my job to make sure there were enough things packed and ready to go to be able to fill the trailer and cars whenever he came back to the rental with enough energy to go again.
Thanks to the wonderful friends and family who helped us move all the little bits and especially to Clare and Debbie for unpacking the kitchen so I could find enough pots, pans and plates to cook dinner and keep the troops happy!
Now we just need to work out where to put everything ...
Friday, 25 November 2011
Our first decorating disaster ...
I was busily sealing the boys' bedroom floors (to keep the dust down) while Pete was busy putting up curtain rods. Off in my own little world, all of sudden I heard Pete yelling for me. Thinking he had hurt himself, I dropped the roller (into the tray of sealant splashing it everywhere, including all over myself!) and ran for the spare room, expecting blood or broken limbs, only to find him nowhere to be seen and a spray of water the size of Old Faithful spewing from the wall.
Seconds later the fountain of water stopped at which point I realised where Peter was .. out the front turning off the mains. (Thank goodness this house only has a 5 metre driveway and not a 35 metre one like the last house!) Pete came back inside and explained that he been happily drilling holes for the curtain rod brackets when all of a sudden, water just started gushing everywhere .. at full mains pressure! The little tiny 6.5mm wide hole pictured below let enough water into the room to soak the whole floor and the pressure was high enough that it hit the opposite wall 4 metres away.
The opposite wall contains the built-in robe with its lovely fibreboard sliding doors and brand new laminate shelving, all of which was thoroughly soaked. We grabbed a stack of old towels that were already at the house (must have known we'd need them!) and dried things up as best we could. Then we sat down and stressed out about how much it was going to cost to fix.
The remaining water after we mopped up
After whingeing for a while about "what a stupid place to put a water pipe" and "how are we going to fix it?", I thought it was worth a shot to call the builder and ask why there was a water pipe in the wall, right where a normal sane person would drill to install a curtain rod bracket. Surprise, surprise, the woman on the other end of the phone agreed it wasn't the brightest of things to have done and arranged for their plumber to contact us to get it fixed.
The plumber's first question when he phoned was "what have you done to my water pipe?" to which I responded "MY water pipe has a neat little hole in it because YOU put it in a very stupid place and now MY spare room has an indoor fountain that we don't want!" He arranged to come and fix it the next day with no mention of who was paying for it so we decided that we would just wait and see if we ended up with a bill in the mail. (Another example of the new mentality of refusing to get stressed over things we couldn't really control).
And, for those who just have to know these things, the curtain rod bracket still isn't in ...
Monday, 21 November 2011
Got the driveway ... and the keys!
Saturday, 19 November 2011
Thursday, 17 November 2011
And this is why you should be there when the concrete guys are mixing the colour through...
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Prep work done for the driveway and alfesco area... check!
Monday, 14 November 2011
Robe doors and a site clean ... nearly there!!
Sunday, 30 October 2011
Garage doors are in
The roller door on the back of the garage (put there to enable us to store the trailer out the back instead of leaving it out the front to roll away down the street):
Monday, 24 October 2011
The finishing touches have started going in ...
Thursday, 13 October 2011
The oven is officially in the building
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
Monday, 10 October 2011
Kitchen update
(arms and legs are so passe!):
Finally, we have the rangehood:
After looking at it for a while, I have come to the conclusion that I need to paint the walls sooner rather than later, as the clash between the white of the walls, the cream of the tiles and the stainless steel rangehood is going to drive me mad .. well, more mad than I already am!
PS: the oven still isn't in but rest assured that I'll post photos as soon as it is!
Sunday, 9 October 2011
Tiles and toilets!
Again, I wanted to continue the accent tile on the same line through the shower recess but was talked out of it because it would have been "too difficult to cut the accent tile around the tap fittings". However, in the ensuite, they have cut the accent tile to fit around the shower head fitting ... too difficult my backside! Too lazy more like!
The main throne room:
Saturday, 8 October 2011
Concrete done ...
Tuesday, 4 October 2011
Change in plans...
- Based on when the roof went on, we should have expected the first Practical Completion Inspection (PCI) at the end of November which meant we would have the keys around the 10th of December.
- According to Peter's current roster, he would be home on the 15th December so despite me vowing to not move in the week before Christmas (again!), it was either move then or wait until mid January.
- Waiting until mid January would have meant a longer period of time paying both the mortgage and rent, so the earlier we could move, the better off we would be (financially anyway).
Then the site supervisor threw a spanner in the works by telling us that we should be able to do our PCI at the beginning of November and get the keys two weeks later (provided there was nothing major wrong). So it looks like we're moving in 24th November.
Now I'm in a bit of a mad panic trying to organise a driveway (didn't like the paved one the builder offered) and a tiler to lay 120sqm of floor tiles through the whole house, both of which have to be done before we can move in.